Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Preparing for a new foster child

welcome mat

Yesterday we heard the good news that we will have a new foster child moving in with us in the next couple of weeks! While we are still missing Lucy it will be wonderful to have a new child to help and focus on, and we are looking forward to it.

Lyndon is 12 years old - which makes him a great age to be friendly with Jack. Hopefully they will share similar interests so our family trips will suit both of them, and perhaps Jack can take Lyndon out with his friends a couple of times.

Lyndon will be staying with us for three weeks before moving on to a more permanent home. This makes him a different type of placement to Lucy, who was fostered on a long term basis. Find out more here if you are interested in learning about the different types of foster placement.

We are busy getting our spare room ready, and removing some of the girly pictures off the walls and decorations that we had while Lucy was staying with us.We hope to make Lyndon feel at home for the short time he stays with us, and hope he enjoys our company.

I will keep you all updated, and let you know how it goes when Lyndon arrives!

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